Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Albert Einsten

Albert Einsten

It was on the sixth of august, 1945 when the newly developed atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima. On august ninth, the second bomn was dropped on Nagasaki. It caused a great destruction and much loss of life. It made japan surrender on the fifteenth of august, 1945. That was the end of the second of world war. Since then the atomic bomb was popular throughout the world .
On the second of august, 1939, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to president franklin d.roosevelt, the president of u .s.a at that time. He explained the possibility of building atomic bomb. He urged the president to provide governmental help for the study of the release of nuclear energy. Because of Einstein’s letter, the united state of America produced an atomic bomb in 1945.
Albert Einstein was an international figure at that time. He was a genius and one of the greatest scientists of all time. His famous equation, e me2 ( energy equals ass times the velocity of light squared ), became the foundation stone in the development of atomic energy. He set forth some theories dealt with everything from the inside of an atom to the farthest regions of the universe. These theories showed that gravity. Energy, matter, light, space and time are related. He tried to explain as much as possible with only a few basic laws.
Albert Einstein was born on march fourteenth, 1879 at ulm, germany. He was the son of herman and pailina Koch Einstein .
When he was five years old, his father gave him a pocket compass with a magnetic needle. This made him curious about the unseen forces that could keep a compass needle always pointing north. He read science books when he was ten years old. He had already started wondering about the mysteries of the universe.
Einsten entered the polytechnic institute in zurich. Switzerland . in 1905 he published some of his theories. One of those was the theory of relativity. Year after year he was known as a great scientist.
In 1921 he came to the united state and later lived there. He traveled all over the world to explain his theories to other scientists. He was awarded the nobel prize for physics in 1921.
We agree that albet Einstein was a “pure” scientist who sought knowledge for tha sake of the truth. He first thought that the atomic bomb might be needed to protect civilization against the nazy hermany. The united state used atomic bomb to conquer japan. But as spn as the second world war ended, he urged that atomic energy be put to peaceful uses.
Einstein dies on the eighteenth of april. 1995. Directly or indirectly he had influenced the development of science.
(taken from genius magazine aug. 1991)

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